WorldSkills Kazan 2019
Except for the heavy machines, the polytechnician Thomas Schranz will take all the tools for the WorldSkills competition in Kazan with him. A large part of them is provided by the Swissmechanic association or sponsors. Composing the tool list, looking for sponsors and gathering the tools was more time-consuming for Thomas than expected. Nevertheless, his list is almost completely ticked off. Now it is time to put the tools in order. But "just fill the drawers quickly" is not enough. Every tool must be in the right place, so that everything can be found quickly during the competition and no time is lost with unnecessary handling steps or even searching for tools. Thomas will send two filled tool trolleys with a total weight of approx. 900 kg to Russia about one month before the start of the competition. Another team event will take place in Emmen for this purpose. For Thomas the three days during the Team weekend in the beginning of February in Davos were another motivation boost.
The team spirit was strengthened by the joint activities and the exchange with the other candidates showed that also for the other team members the training is not the same every day. But with the support of the expert and the mental trainer, the technical as well as the mental strengths and weaknesses are identified in order to learn to how to use them or how to work on them. In Davos, Thomas could already sense that there were high expectations of the candidates and that it is not just a question of pure participation. But Thomas feels neither under pressure from Andreas Allenbach, his supervising expert, nor from SwissSkills. On the contrary: To know that expectations are there and that he is supported in doing so motivates him to give his best.
<link - external-link-new-window "Opens internal link in current window">More about</link> Thomas Schranz's preparations for the WorldSkills Kazan 2019
<link - external-link-new-window "Opens internal link in current window">Participant profile</link> of Thomas Schranz on SwissSkills Team page
<link - external-link-new-window "Opens internal link in current window">Expert profile</link> of Andreas Allenbach on SwissSkills Team page