- Mediamatiker:in
- Polymechaniker:in/CNC-Dreher:in
- CNC-Schleifer:in
- Berufsbildner:in Polymechaniker
- Stv Leiter:in Rundschleifen
- Automatiker:in
- Betriebselektriker:in
- Servicetechniker:in Kundendienst
We also welcome spontaneous applications. Have we sparked your interest? Then we definitely want to hear from you. Please contact us.
By telephone:
Contact person: Urs Brügger, Head of HR
Tel. + 41 33 672 72 00
By e-mail:
Please send us your application documents in PDF format: personalwandfluh.com
By post mail:
Wandfluh AG, Urs Brügger, Head of HR,
Helkenstrasse 13, Postfach, 3714 Frutigen, Switzerland