
24.06.2024 [Translate to English:]
Ground-breaking ceremony

On Friday, 21 June 2024, we celebrated the ground-breaking ceremony and from today a new company building will be built in Frutigen. The Wandfluh Produktions AG (WAPRO) project is being realised together with the railway company BLS AG and will provide the two companies with space on a total area of 10,000 m2.

WAPRO's last construction project was realised over 20 years ago. The company has grown…

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18.04.2024 [Translate to English:]
Wandfluh SM in Schweinfurt, Germany

With Wandfluh SM GmbH by your side, you've got a robust partner for mechanical manufacturing, prototyping, assembly of components, and OEM solutions! 15 state-of-the-art CNC machines equipped with automated loading and unloading systems, enable crafting top-notch precision components round the clock. The expertise of Wandfluh SM lies in turning, milling, and all associated processes. Our…

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PV system Wapro

Working more energy efficiently has been our goal for years, and we place great importance on it. For this reason, it is important for us to make optimum use of energy and to minimize our ecological footprint wherever possible. One measure to achieve this is the new PV system that we were able to put into operation on the Wapro company building last year.

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