Page 7 - Industrial_EN
P. 7


                 High working pressures and large oil volume flows are among the main requirements in
                 press construction. Such machines are expensive and differ not least in their performance
                 and efficiency. Important factors here are fast pressing cycles, high process reliability and
                 energy-efficient hydraulic components. The same applies to the die-casting sector, where
                 nearly identical valve technology is used.

               In  hydraulics,  high  loads  (large  cylinders)  and  fast  motion
               sequences require large oil volume flows of hundreds, if not
               several thousand litres per minute. In addition, more and more
               hydraulic components today allow higher working pressures,
               leading to an increased power density within the control block.
               To achieve good energy efficiency, it is therefore extremely im-
               portant to avoid large pressure drops within the control block.
               This can be accomplished by using 2/2-way slip-in cartridge
               valves. They are integrated into a control block as pure logic el-
               ements, whereby their function is determined by the pilot valve
               used. These slip-in cartridge valves are designed for pressures
               up to 630 bar and have a very low pressure drop (delta p).

               2/2-way  slip-in  cartridge  valves  are  performance-optimised
               logic modules  that are available in  the nominal  sizes from
               NG16 to NG50. During  development,  great importance was
               placed on a small delta p in order to achieve an optimum flow
               rate, resulting in low losses.

               Size    C_xx (350 bar)     C_ENxx (630 bar)
               NG16    180 l/min          270 l/min
               NG25    335 l/min          600 l/min
               NG32    675 l/min          980 l/min
               NG40    1160 l/min         1620 l/min
               NG50    n/a                2360 l/min
                                        Volume flow indications at  ∆p  of 5 bar

               •  Valves with special seals
               •  Customer-specific adaptations of the valves
               •  Combination with pilot valves and electronics
               •  Solutions for special fluids

               WANDFLUH  INDUSTRIAL   |         APPLICATION     |         PRESS  CONSTRUCTION   |         PAGE 5
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